Friday, February 27, 2009

hard to be creative

All week I wish I was here drawing, creating...and then I have nothing to draw/create. And when I think of something, it's already been done, or it's just a slight variation of something else. There are so many cliches in art...drawing eyes, fantasy characters, women doing awesome things with little clothing on, anime drawings done of notebook paper, angsty photographs with adjustments in the saturation...there are so many more, but I won't bother with them because I'm too tired. I like word salad, I think it's facinating, and I love sleep talking. I wish I could hear more of those things, maybe they'd give me good ideas instead of the old copy a photograph with colored pencils deal. I'm good with realism, but I don't know what the point is of my realism if it isn't making something new and exciting...people are impressed, but I want to start something new. Maybe I'll dream something. Maybe I should run more, running feels good, but tires me out more. And I'm drinking more water, it's pretty great. Yes, I need to get out more, maybe I'll be inspired outside, but right now it's freezing and I need to get some rest. Rest so I can wake up tomorrow, waste some time online, being vain and waiting around. That's all I suppose.